Oneeyedude - Escort in Boise, ID

Boise, ID
Last On: 28 Mar, 21:29
my location
Home Boise, ID
GPS Boise, ID
Distance N/A
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My stats
I Am Bisexual client
Age 51
Ethnicity Caucasian
Body Average
Height 6'3" - 187 cm
Weight 240lbs - 110 kg
Hair Brown
Eye Color Blue
Health Status
HIV Status Negative
This site prohibits any offer or solicitation for prostitution. The information provided is for entertainment purposes only, and any activity which takes place outside of this site is beyond our control and is meant to strictly be between consenting adults.


Oneeyedude is a TS4Rent Client looking for SheMale, TS Escorts

  • Oneeyedude is Offline right now and has total of 5838 visits to his Client profile
  • Last Login: 28 Mar, 21:29
  • To contact please sign in to your TS4Rent profile or if you don't have any sign up for free.
  • Oneeyedude's profile was created on 13 Apr, 2019

About Me

Middleaged man looking for clean openminded fun

I am tall, clean, well groomed, respectful, discreet, generous and love to travel. I love to treat a lady like a lady, and ensure I can give her as good as she gives me.
I love a relaxed fun time, and look forward to meeting you.
I think femininity is vewy beautiful and sexy and that beautiful people emanate their true beauty beginning from the inside.

Oneeyedude's Submitted Reviews

  • Reviewed by Oneeyedude
    Real Photos:
    Sayuri answered on: 2024-08-05
    My sweet sweetfriend!!!
    I woke up to you.... thank you. I was speechless!!! YOU, know that is hard to accomplish!
    Your transparency is beautiful,YOUR MIND is honest and open. I had so much fun exploring with you and grateful you took the time to talk to me. You are one of a kind, great man, great soul.
    Dinner was amazing, the walking and talking next to one another(and you took the outside on that crazy road, SO SWEET)top notch!!! The conversation was so easy. Gorgeous night, you treated as a human first.
    I look forward to tasting you again. Until, take care of YOU!!!
    - Sayuri