JordanTOP - Escort in Los Angeles, CA

Los Angeles, CA
Last On: 02 Dec, 2023
my location
Home Los Angeles, CA
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My stats
I Am Straight client
Age 40
Body Muscular
Height 6'4" - 190 cm
Health Status
HIV Status Negative
This site prohibits any offer or solicitation for prostitution. The information provided is for entertainment purposes only, and any activity which takes place outside of this site is beyond our control and is meant to strictly be between consenting adults.

About Me

Total straight discreet top loves trans girls

Maried male, with secrett atraction felings for trangender lady's. Just simple normal guy wants the best complement present for straight male be with beautiful unicorn trans angel travel around the world. Very generous, friendly, gentlemen, good attitude but the most importan of my person thing very clean healty and hygiene dude. I’m professional person move to Los Angeles from Boston and II travel for work often. Sometimes i take with me some of my beauty goddes with me & will cover for everything. Also II would like to get back the same chemistry with all respect for bouth. Lady's with ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ and great attitude to the fron please...

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